+91 9541052411

Parent Portal Software in Noida

Make it easy for parents to access the content they need most.

Using Parent Portals, you can create and post content specifically for parents in a "one stop shop" format. Combine calendars, resources, news, classroom content, directory information and so much more into a single view for secure, quick access. Since Portals integrate with dozens of single sign-on (SSO) partners and student information systems (SIS), you can save parents time by providing a centralized, secure gateway to the systems they need to access without having to manage multiple usernames and passwords.

Contact Us


SRS Mall,DG Room Lower Basement,Sector-12,Faridabad ,121007 (HR)
SRS Mall,4B,4th Floor,Sector-12,Faridabad ,121007 (HR)

Phone Number

+91 9541052411

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